Full Arch Rehabilitation
No matter in which condition your dentition might be presently, a full arch rehabilitation can provide the opportunity to eliminate present lack of function.
Inflammation or aesthetic compromise. Advances in surgical and prosthetic components, implant designs, surface technology, and imaging techniques now allow for accelerated treatment times and reduced costs that benefit the patient.
Potential reasons for full arch rehabilitation might be:
- To fulfill the desire to have healthy and beautiful looking teeth
- Insufficient chewing functionality
- Different former dental treatments of variable quality or multiple restorations of different colour.
- Severe tooth damages caused by nutrition disorders like bulimia or gastro esophageal reflux disease
- Tooth structure loss due to a lack of information about tooth protection and dental hygiene during childhood
- The desire to correct misalignment or crowding of the natural dentition. finally due to a lack of orthodontic treatment during childhood
Full arch rehabilitations are complex and require meticulous treatment planning and high expertise in various field of advanced dentistry. It is advised to choose only experienced experts to ensure a predictable and excellent result.